Here is an example of how character can be connected to state standards for reading


A.  Understand­ how literary elements and techniques are used to convey meaning.


Middle/Junior High School

High School

2.A.2a  Identify literary elements and literary techniques (e.g., characterization, use of narration, use of dialogue) in a variety of literary works.

2.A.3a  Identify and analyze a variety of literary techniques (e.g., figurative language, allusion, dialogue, description, word choice, dialect) within classical and contemporary works representing a variety of genres.

2.A.4a  Analyze and evaluate the effective use of literary techniques (e.g., figurative language, allusion, dialogue, description, symbolism, word choice, dialect) in classic and contem­porary literature representing a variety of forms and media.

·         Social courtesies - Teach students to write thank-you notes, help them understand the etiquette of interview situation,

·         Write book reports on books depicting a character - outline the six pillars.


·         What are the messages about characters which are being communicated in popular television programs and movies? How can students become more informed media consumers?

·         What did the main character do that showed respect, responsibility, etc.? Write an essay: "My hero is a person of good character." Compare the character traits shown by two national figures.

·        Watch a sitcom on television, and then write about how the actions of the characters demonstrated either respectful or disrespectful behavior.

2.A.2b  Describe how literary elements (e.g., theme, character, setting, plot, tone, conflict) are used in literature to create meaning.

2.A.3b  Describe how the development of theme, character, plot and setting contribute to the overall impact of a piece of literature.

2.A.4b  Explain relationships between and among literary elements including character, plot, setting, theme, conflict and resolution and their influence on the effectiveness of the literary piece.

·         Discuss the fairness or unfairness in the plot of a story.



·         Act out stories where the characters demonstrate qualities such as the six pillars. Talk about what would happen if the character failed to do the right thing. How would the story change and how would their actions affect others in the story?

·         Keep track of good and bad characters in the literature you read all week. Graph the results.


2.A.2c  Identify definitive features of literary forms (e.g., realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, narrative, nonfiction, biography, plays, electronic literary forms).

2.A.3c  Identify characteristics and authors of various literary forms (e.g., short stories, novels, drama, fables, biographies, documen­taries, poetry, science fiction).

2.A.4c  Describe relationships between the author’s style, literary form (e.g., short stories, novels, drama, fables, biographies, documen­taries, poetry, essays) and intended effect on the reader.

·         Write a poem using a pillar

·         Discuss the actions of the characters in stories, e.g., "What would be the honest thing to do?"

·         Have students interview someone they think displays ethical actions.




B.  Read and interpret a variety of literary works.


Middle/Junior High School

High School

2.B.2a  Respond to literary material by making inferences, drawing conclusions and comparing it to their own experience, prior knowledge and other texts.

2.B.3a  Respond to literary material from personal, creative and critical points of view. 

2.B.4a  Critique ideas and impressions generated by oral, visual, written and electronic materials.

·         Keep a character journal on the choices made

·         Write about a special event in their life and who it affected their character

<        Discuss the actions of characters in stories, e.g. “What would be the honest thing to do?”

2.B.2b  Identify and explain themes that have been explored in literature from different societies and eras.

2.B.3b  Compare and contrast common literary themes across various societies and eras.

2.B.4b  Analyze form, content, purpose and major themes of American literature and literature of other countries in their historical perspectives.

·         Use story starters: “When I look in the mirror…” “I make a difference…”

·         Research and write a short biography of the person who said their favorite quote


·         Read and discuss biographies of accomplished individuals, encouraging them to be discerning, seeing that an individual may have flaws but still be capable of much admirable action.


2.B.2c  Relate literary works and their characters, settings and plots to current and historical events, people and perspectives.

2.B.3c  Analyze how characters in literature deal with conflict, solve problems and relate to real-life situations.

2.B.4c  Discuss and evaluate motive, resulting behavior and consequences demonstrated in literature.

·         Write an essay about persons of character and the actions they might exhibit

·         Provide "what if..." scenarios for creative writing or discussion.

·         Imagine they have been given a time machine are on their deathbed. What do they want people to say about them? What pillars do they want to have been evident in their life?