CHARACTER COUNTS!  -  Teacher Implementation Rubric


Provides for the development of healthy attitudes and values

Rarely helps students develop skills for healthy attitudes and interests.
Rarely provides collaborative activities for students.

Occasionally helps students develop skills for healthy attitudes and interests.
Sometimes provides collaborative activities for students.

Generally helps students develop skills for healthy attitudes and interests.
Frequently provides collaborative activities for students.

Consistently helps students develop skills for healthy attitudes and interests.
Consistently provides collaborative activities for students.

Contains Process Skills

Rarely are hands-on activities included in the materials.

Materials sometimes provide a set of explicit step-by-step instructions.

Materials generally provide a range of activities with set outcomes.

Materials consistently encourage students to use and / or practice skills presented.

Age Appropriate

Age appropriate issues are not addressed.
Rarely are activities based on appropriate levels of development

Limited developmentally appropriate activities are given.
Prerequisite skills and prior knowledge are not sufficiently developed before more complex concepts are introduced.

Activities are generally adaptable to the appropriate age level.
Frequently cross-curricular activities are given.
Frequently attention is given to prerequisite skills and knowledge.







A range of activities to accommodate various developmental levels at a reasonable pace and depth of coverage are consistently included.
Always includes age appropriate cross-curricular references (e.g., literature, science, arts, etc.) Content is consistently organized in development of skills, easy to complex.

Pedagogically Sound

Hinders effective pedagogy.
Rarely reflects strategies for flexible grouping

Sometimes addresses differences in learning and teaching.
Includes some pedagogical strategies for flexible grouping.

Generally encourages and assists teachers in addressing learning styles and individual needs of students.
Frequently includes various strategies for flexible grouping.

Always facilitates a wide range of teacher and student activities that reflect various learning styles and individual needs of students.
Consistently includes a wide variety of strategies for flexible grouping.